Sunday, July 8, 2018

Season of the Ghost

Lately, my amygdala has been engaged in the absurd behavior of reflecting back on what Reason surmises is a vacuous slop of darkness and deceit. Wasting time occupying the spaces of my brain with such nonsense is troubling. 

Ghost Tiger Beetle, Sauk Co, WI 28June2018
Fortunately the evolving seasons have tethered me to Nature's forward momentum. I excitedly anticipate her grand seasonal displays. 

Late June through early July bring the season of the alluring state-threatened Ghost tiger beetle. Ghost tiger beetles decorated in cream and carmel patterns edged with frosted copper accents.

Nature's paintbrush is exquisite. Colors pleasingly coordinated...

In the "barren" sandscape that is anything but barren.

Tiger beetle (and then some!)  habitat

Where life and death are beautifully juxtaposed.

A carefully hidden Vesper Sparrow nest, Sauk Co, WI 28June2018
Parasitized by a Brown-headed Cowbird (Boooo!)
Either Cloudless or Orange Sulphur, Sauk Co, WI 27June2018
The seasons will continue in the form of particular flights of beetles and butterflies. Generally more insects will abound, more orchids will emerge. Birds are fledging. Shorebirds have begun their southward flight. That Spring Green Blue Grosbeak of recent years has returned only to be re-discovered in recent days. The wealth of critters and plants abound as they go about the business of thriving, reproducing, to eventually yielding to senescence.

I may orchestrate and plan. But nevertheless will always be surprised.

Absorb. Witness. Propel forward.

Time and Nature will not wait.

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